Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011
Get The Joke
Aus gegebenem Anlaß (Filmstart: Thor) möchte ich hier einen meiner Lieblingswitze zum Besten geben. Eigentlich funktioniert er nur mündlich, weswegen gleich in diesem Blog eine sprachwissenschaftliche Premiere stattfindet. Und er funktioniert nur, wenn man der korrekten Aussprache des englischen Ti äitsch mächtig ist. Falls Sie den Witz weitererzählen wollen, sollten Sie das berücksichtigen.

Der Witz geht so:

God Thor was bored from being a God and being perfect and immortal all the time. So one day he decides, he wants to be a mortal for one day. He plans to go down to earth in order to see what the ordinary people are dealing with. When he suggests his wish to Odin he gets 24 hours off from duty with the obligation to be back on time.

So the very next morning Thor goes on his journey to earth. The first thing he sees is a beautiful joung woman with great [insert here anything which can be great on a woman] and blond hair, a real eye-popper. He approaches her and they spend the next hours kissing and fondling each other and the rest of the day and the whole night having sex (ich muss zugeben, ab hier wird der Witz unrealistisch; gibt ja keine Frau, die mann mit einem kurzen Hallo sofort im Bett hat).

After 24 hours he wakes up and the thought of his divine duties immediately emerge in his head. He glances at the blond woman next to him and thinks it might be rude to disappear all of a sudden without any explanation left. That is the moment when she wakes up stretching and yawning. So he turns towards her and says: "You know, I'm Thor..." before he can add another word she looks at him baffled and returns: "YOU'RE THOUR? I'M THO THOUR, I CAN HARDLY PITH!!!"

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